
VisualArt’s suddenly took us by surprise today, with the announcement of a new version of Rewrite to be sold in commemoration of the release of the upcoming anime adaptation, which will be starting its broadcast this Summer. They’ve aptly titled this new release as “Rewrite+”, and...
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Here’s a treat for you guys! An all new arrange album for Rewrite was recently sold at Comiket 89 as part of the Key Set, titled “crann mór”. It features impressive orchestral arrangements of Rewrite’s soundtrack by Hideki Higuchi, who you may remember for his work...
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With comiket having just finished in Japan, and the hype surrounding the Rewrite having died down a bit, one piece of news has gone under the radar the past few days: the announcement of KSL Live World 2016 the Animation Charlotte&Rewrite. The event had been announced...
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Promotional posters went up in Kokusai-Tenjijō Station in Tokyo today, bearing the answer to the question fans have been asking ever since a Rewrite anime adaptation was announced after the last episode of Charlotte: “When will the Rewrite anime air?” This question has dominated our Rewrite...
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Following the Japanese television premier of Charlotte’s final episode, a brief PV for a Rewrite Anime adaptation was revealed, to be animated by studio 8-Bit! It will feature screenplay by Tanaka Romeo (Script of Rewrite)...
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