Rewrite+ Released in Japan!


As if planetarian HD and the VisualArt’s Summer Sale weren’t enough, we also have the release of Rewrite+ in Japan on July the 29th! Rewrite+ is an updated version of Rewrite for PC released in commemoration of the TV Anime, which includes some adjustments to the script supervised by Romeo Tanaka, new CGs, sprites, character voices, and even a button to Tweet screenshots from in-game! The future of Visual Novels is here! Rewrite+ also comes bundled with Rewrite Harvest festa!

You can pick the title up for 8,800 yen (plus tax). The release is also bundled with extras, including the recently announced Rewrite Arrange Album ‘Selene’, a Radio CD, and some Weiss Schwarz promotional cards. My advice though; unless you’re determined to get those bonus items, you might be better off waiting, because an official English localisation of Rewrite+ headed by Amaterasu Translations has already been announced, and is headed for Steam at an as of yet to be known date. Of course, that release will be digital-only, so the collectors may remain undeterred.


If you do plan on picking this release, please let us know in the comments below! We’d love to learn the full extent of these so-called script modifications included in this release. I’m also very interested to hear how Selene turned out!

If you’d like to learn more about Rewrite, please be sure to give our Rewrite Info Page a look!

Rewrite+ Official Website


Lover of Nintendo/Key/07th Expansion, continuing to wander through the fragments in search of myself. Never forget the heart.