As promised, Maeda Jun’s new concept album will be released digitally worldwide at the end of the month! The album, which first released only a month ago is a collaboration between Maeda Jun and Kumaki Anri who previously worked together on Charlotte. Furthermore, the online release...
The second last volume of the Rewrite anime is here. Released on the 23rd of August 2017, it contains episodes 22 and 23, with only one more episode remaining. The box cover is by Hinoue Itaru and features new art of Kotori and Kagari, and the...
The next volume of the Rewrite anime is here, this time containing episodes 20 and 21. As usual the box cover is by Hinoue Itaru, and the digipack cover is by Nonaka Masayuki. Along with the episodes the volume includes audio commentary by someone (the official...
Today, June 28, 2017, marks the release of two new exciting products for the Rewrite anime franchise! First up, continuing with their monthly schedule, is Volume 10 of the Rewrite anime. This volume features Nishikujo and Shizuru on the cover, and is starting to show a...
The 26th of May marks Harmonia’s commercial release in Japan! While the game has been available elsewhere for a while now, enough for us to conduct a Bookclub discussing it, today marks the debut of the ’First Press Limited Release’ which includes music albums, a booklet...
Rewrite vol.9 has been released! As always, the cover features brand-new artwork from Itaru Hinoue, this time starring Akane and Shimako. Aren’t they adorable together? This volume contains episodes 16 and 17, a CD containing the Monthly Terra radio, an 8-page booklet, and audio commentary...
As of the 18th of May 2017, Rewrite’s fandisc Harvest Festa is available on the Playstation Vita thanks to Prototype who regularly handle the console ports of VisualArt’s games. With this first console version of the game comes a number of commodities as usual. The game...
A HD version of planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~ is now out on Steam! This marks the first time the game has been translated into a language other than English, and Key has stated that they are looking into translating it into additional languages.
Following a ton of releases this week, Rewrite fans are in for another treat! The second volume of Rewrite:SIDE-TERRA by ZEN (Little Busters! - End of Refrain, Little Busters! Ecstasy) and Key has been released on 27th March. The SIDE-TERRA series is currently being serialised in...
A pretty exciting time for Rewrite fans this week, as we’re having new release after new release, one after another! Is this in preparation for the Rewrite anime’s finale this Saturday? Maybe! But with all these releases makes it a perfect time for Rewrite fans to...
Screenshot by @broken_comic
Popping up out of nowhere, Key’s latest and most ambitious mobile game Rewrite IgnisMemoria has been released earlier today, the 6th of February! If this is your first time hearing about it, read up on the details in our earlier article, or check out...
27th January marks the general release of Tomohiro Takeshita’s best works album, World Hitchhiker!2. Known for his music at VisualArt’s, this album includes several Key songs such as Word of Dawn (Rewrite TV ending theme), Worlds Pain (planetarian image song), and OkirakuâKyuusai (Side B track from...
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