Little Busters Bookclub Podcast 3: Komari Route

In spite of innumerable technical difficulties in recording and editing, the Komari Route Podcast is finally here! For this episode, I Aspirety am joined by Bizkitdoh, cjlim2007, SuikaShoujo and Zosonte as we discuss the story of the peerlessly cute fairytale girl. It turns out really well; I feel this is a route which often gets overlooked, but there’s a lot to enjoy here, hopefully this podcast helps your eyes to see more awesome things in the route.

Thanks to all the forumers for their discussion of the route, in particular congratulations to Zosonte for earning our Komari Route MVP award! And thanks to everyone who submitted Fanart of Komari. Next up we’re recording Kurugaya, but we’ll be taking a break for Christmas so we’ll see you next in two weeks time. From there on, we plan to continue forward with one podcast each week!

As always, you can subscribe to our xml feed here, or download an mp3 of the podcast here.

All music used in this podcast is the property of its’ respective rights holders. Message me if you’d like the source of any music used!


Lover of Nintendo/Key/07th Expansion, continuing to wander through the fragments in search of myself. Never forget the heart.