Just a few minutes ago, VisualArt’s announced on their official website and Facebook page the launch of a Steam Greenlight for Tomoyo After ~It’s a Wonderful Life~! We’ve already received news before about the plans for officially localizing this VN, but having this Greenlight page up shows that VisualArt’s really has strong conviction to see the localization of their other works become a reality. However, you all have to remember that a Greenlight page is not confirmation yet! VisualArt’s needs your help to show interest and vote “Yes” on the Greenlight to see Tomoyo After’s English localization come true. So, what else are you waiting for? Vote and show your support on greenlight!
The Greenlight page also gives a wealth of information about the plans for this project! Already, screenshots have been added of their prototype of the release (one of which can be seen above), along with a new feature: Tomopedia, which seems to be in the same vein as Dangopedia from the CLANNAD localization. We can expect this new Tomopedia to have notes about the different cultural nuances that we might not be able to get at first glance. The Dangopedia sure helped the immersion factor in CLANNAD, and I’m sure this new Tomopedia will help Tomoyo After a lot too.

And the release date? They’ve listed on the Steam page that they plan to have it out sometime in Summer 2016. For sure, that’s going to keep our summers busy, what with it coinciding with the upcoming Rewrite anime.
Another cool thing they’ve shared in the Greenlight page is a translated and subtitled version of the Tomoyo After Opening Movie, accompanied by Lia’s beautiful performance of Light Colors! You can all view it here:
One thing interesting about this OP is that it seems to be in a 16:9 resolution, along with the video being available in HD 720p on YouTube; a stark contrast from the opening movie of the Japanese PC releases of Tomoyo After. The sample screenshots, however, are still on an 800x600 resolution. We’re not sure yet what exactly this means for the release, but we sure are excited to find out. And the only way we will is if you guys help support and vote on Greenlight, so make sure you go out and do it!