Magazine ads detail prices for Tomoyo After and Harmonia localisations


Some interesting news has come in! Included on the back cover of the latest issues of Otaku USA (August 2016) and Mangabomb (Vol. 12) magazines are advertisements for Tomoyo After and Harmonia’s Steam releases respectively.


The adverts list the prices of Tomoyo After and Harmonia as $19.99 USD and $14.99 USD respectively. However, it must be noted that these prices given are not necessarily reflective of the final prices, since they’ve proven to be unreliable with CLANNAD in the past. That said, these are the only official statements of prices we have, so take them as you will.

Assuming these are final prices, it would seem that VisualArt’s is taking the relative length of each title into consideration with their pricing decisions. Harmonia is a short VN with HD Graphics, while Tomoyo After is a mid-sized VN with standard-definition graphics, which gives some insight into their pricing rationale. Very agreeable prices in my opinion.

But enough of my thoughts, what do YOU think of the pricing, assuming these advertisements are accurate? Will you be picking up these titles at these prices? Let us know in the discussion below.

Thanks to Christopher Mui for the photos!


Lover of Nintendo/Key/07th Expansion, continuing to wander through the fragments in search of myself. Never forget the heart.