Angel Beats! -1st Beat- Perfect Visual Book Staff Interview Translated!


The Angel Beats! -1st beat- Perfect Visual Book has recently been made available for purchase in Japan. Along with many illustrations, graphics and a walkthrough, the book also includes a number of interviews. In particular, a particularly large and exclusive interview with two of the writers of 1st beat: Jun Maeda and Kai, was included. The interview goes into detail about the writing process of Angel Beats! -1st beat-, some comments on how they feel about the final product, and even some talk of what they’ll be working on in the future.

Lucky for us, the entire interview has been transcribed and translated by the hero of the forum, HeliosAlpha! The interview treads around spoilers very slightly, but I can assure you that by most people’s standards, there’s nothing revealed here that will impact your enjoyment of the story, so relax and enjoy!

―2010年11月に開催された京都大学11月祭での講演『Angel Beats!』のゲーム化が発表され、2015年6月26日、ついに『1st beat』が発表されました。制作を終えた時の率直な感想はどのようなものでしたか?
— After the announcement of the Angel Beats! game version in November 2010 at Kyoto University, 1st beat was finally released on 26/6 2015. What were your thoughts on the project when it was finished?

麻枝准氏(以下、麻枝):当時はちょうどTVアニメ『Charlotte』の制作発表もありましたから、『1st beat』の制作は『Charlotte』の脚本執筆との平行作業でした。ここまで大きな企画を同時に手がけるのは初めてで、本作はビジュアルアーツのスタッフに支えられながら完成した作品だとつくづく感じてます。また、本作の発売当時は『Charlotte』の放送開始直前でもありましたので、「やっと片方が落ち着いた」とすぐそちらに気を取られてしまって。いつもは作品が完成したらネットでみなさんの感想を見るんですけど、この時ばかりはそういう心持になれませんでしたね。
Mr. Maeda Jun (henceforth, Maeda): At that time the TV anime Charlotte was coming up, so I was working on 1st beat and the Charlotte script at the same time. It was the first time I worked on two projects of that size, so 1st beat is a work I completed with the support of the VisualArt’s staff. 1st beat’s release day was just before the airing date of Charlotte’s first episode, so I was relieved that the former would calm down and quickly focused on the latter. Usually when I finish a work, I look at people’s’ reactions online, but I didn’t get to do that this time.

魁氏(以下、魁):僕は当時大きなラインが『1st beat』1本でしたので「終わった!」と大きな開放感に包まれました。これでようやく”フラグ地獄”から開放されたと(笑)。
Mr Kai (henceforth Kai): I was enwrapped in a great sense of liberation. Finally I was free from the “flag-hell.” (laugh)

— It was very surprising when the game version was announced at the Kyoto University, so to make sure, was it planned to hold the announcement there?

Maeda: Yes, I asked Baba for permission ahead of time.

— Since when have you been considering a game version?

Maeda: When I saw people’s reactions to the last episode, I began seeing what I could do differently if it was a game, so I started to want to make a game version.

魁:僕は最初から『1st beat』制作に参加していたわけではないので、そのときは一歩離れたところから「そうか、ゲーム化するんだ」とだけおもっていました。その後に、麻枝から「シナリオを手伝ってほしい」と言われて、そのくらいなら、と引き受けたのですがきがつけばディレクターになっていました(笑)。
Kai: I wasn’t involved with 1st beat from the beginning, so I just thought “Oh, they’re doing a game version.” Later Maeda asked me to help with the scenario, I accepted thinking it would just be that, but suddenly I’d become a director.

— I believe the production period was rather long for a Key work.

Maeda: It wasn’t always given focus during that whole time. At times I would write on it alone, while everyone was working on Rewrite.

— How does one keep up the motivation in such periods?

Maeda: There was a lot of alcohol… At one point my γ-GTP went over 100 IU/L, and I was told drinking more would be suicidal.

Kai: I would reset my mind by spending a whole day in a bath house or go touring on my motorcycle. I would actively make time where I wouldn’t think of work.

— I’d love to hear about any central concepts you had for making the game version.

麻枝:当時馬場と話していたのが「やはりKeyの作品は感動を届けなければならない」ということでした。『1st beat』ではそれを強く意識していて、テーマとして掲げていました。それが成功したかどうかは、まだ自分の中で答えは出せていないのですが、とにかくすごい”縛り”ではありましたね。あとは「アニメを楽しんでくださったお客さんをそれ以上に楽しませる」ことを第一に考えていました。選択肢がやたらと多いゲームになったのもそのためです。ゲームなので、ゲームならではの楽しみを提供したい、と。
Maeda: Baba pointed out that a Key game must be emotional, so I was conscious about that; whether I succeeded or not I can’t say right now. Most importantly, I wanted the people who enjoyed the anime to have an even greater experience. This was how the choices and multiple games came to be. Since it’s a game, I wanted to give enjoyment befitting the medium.

— Having characters talking amongst each other isn’t anything new for Key, but the number of choices in the game felt higher than usual.

Kai: In the beginning there were about 100 flags, and that’s enough for one game. then the number became 200, and then 300… What was it at the end?

Maeda: I don’t know what the final version was…

Kai: I think it was about 900. Also, I believe the number of options exceeds 700. Eventually we figured that we had to keep the numbers down, but not only were they interesting, the flags were so complex that options couldn’t easily be removed. It became necessary to have a programmer around for advice. Still, we lowered the numbers to an extent at least.

— The game has a progress system called the Record. Was it planned from the start to have this feature?

魁:「Record」はあとから追加しました。豊富な分岐や掛け合いを全部見ずにプレイを終えられてしまうのもちょっともったいないかなと思って。Xbox Oneの「実績」やPlayStation4の「トロフィー」など、家庭用ゲーム機でおなじみのシステムですよね。
Kai: The record was added later. We thought it would be a bit of a waste to play without seeing all branching paths and dialogue. It’s a similar system to home consoles like Xbox One and Playstation 4.

— It was quite satisfying just to get all entries of the school cafeteria menu.


Kai: Some flags are as precise as threading a needle, We had problems debugging the game. (laugh) But I’m glad we managed to realize the parts of the anime where one would think, “if this was a game, and there was an choice here, things would get interesting.” Like when Otonashi is clinging to Yuri, from a game perspective you’d want a choice there. Though if you keep playing around with choices like that, Otonashi will break. (laugh)

— The Otonashi following those choice was very shocking. (laugh) Did that come out of you increasing the number of choices?

Kai: No, Maeda was responsible for breaking Otonashi. The production staff made a joke about Maeda having a grudge against Otonashi. (laugh)

Maeda: I kept in mind that Otonashi would change depending on the player’s choices. It is a game after all.

Kai: I did wonder if it was okay to do some of that, but because players make conscious choices, it was decided an Otonashi like this would be fine.

— Maeda, Kai and Kashida Leo are credited for the scenario, but how was that split between you all.

Maeda: For the Yui route, I wrote the climax. I asked Kai-kun to write the everyday scenes about Otonashi and Yui growing closer like siblings. Those mixed well, and I think it’s the most well balanced route. The Iwasawa route felt short, so I asked Kashida Leo-san for help, but it was said that it still wasn’t enough. I’m contemplating over that. I felt that my writing abilities had dropped, and that I may not be able to write novel game scenarios anymore. The Matsushita route was handle almost entirely by Kashida Leo-san. However, Kashida-san’s writing compositions is much better than my own, so I had to change some phrases to minimize the difference between routes.

Kai: He may say that he can’t write anymore, but the second half of Yui’s route was wonderfully made.


Maeda: Just writing a part like that works, but the whole story up to that point is hard…

Kai: Well if you write a portion well like this time, did you think it was good?

Maeda: Yeah.

—Maeda, you clearly stated it before the game released, but I was glad that the Yui route is about Yui and Hinata instead of Yui and Otonashi like in the anime.

魁:アニメで日向がユイに言った「60億分の1の確率で」を越えるフレーズはそうそう思いつけませんし、麻枝の構想には日向の生前のエピソードもあるというので、なおさらちょうどいいかなと。そのおかげで『1st beat』はアニメと並ベて見たときにすごくバランスがよい作品に出来たと思っています。ユイルートでは「アニメでも描かれたストーリにさらなる厚み」を。岩沢ルートでは「岩沢が消えなかった場合というifストーリ」を。松下ルートでは「アニメにはなかった、まったく新しい物語」をそれぞれお届けできたのではないかと思います。
Kai: We couldn’t think of a better phrase than Hinata’s “even if the chance is 1 in 6 billion”, and Maeda planned to have a part about Hinata’s backstory, so that was just more reason to not change it. Thanks to that, when comparing 1st beat to the anime, I thought it had very good balance. The Yui route is a story that was told in the anime but with further depth. The Iwasawa route is the what-if story when she doesn’t disappear. The Matsushita route is a completely new story. That’s how I’d say they’re made.

麻枝:『Angel Beats!』は『CLANNAD』のように「登場人物みんなに物語がある」というのをやりたい気持ちがありました。それはアニメではなしえなかったことでもあるので、ゲームで実現できてよかったです。
Maeda: Like CLANNAD, I wanted to make Angel Beats! a story where all characters have a story. That also wasn’t a part of the anime, so I’m glad I can make it happen in the game.

— Speaking of Matsushita, when he loses weight, I was surprised that his way of speaking also changed.

Maeda: it was Tokumoto-san who first suggested to change the tone of his voice. (Matsushita’s VA Tokumoto Eiichirou).

Kai: When we told Tokumoto-san to not just change the tone but also liven it up a bit, he did a very good answering that request. When we got the suggestion from Tokumoto-san, I thought it was part of the fun of it being a game.

— Maeda, you mentioned that you hadn’t looked into the fans’ reactions because of Charlotte, but can you tell us what you do know?

Maeda: Baba said it didn’t sell that well, but that it was very popular.

Kai: Really, the sales were doing well. It should be among the top bishoujo games of 2015.

Maeda: He probably meant in relation to the previous Key games though.

— Same question for Kai-san.

Kai: I was relieved that response to the story and the abundance of choices and dialogue was generally positive. Of course there were harsh responses too, but not many about the structure of the game, worryingly few actually. The Otonashi breaking, the IwasawaxHisako soft yuri, Otonashi’s slightly too extreme friendship towards Hinata, It felt like people accepted the fun stuff that was different from the anime.

— Do you have any favorite dialogue or event?

Kai: I liked when you get Irie to confess to Tenshi instead of Ooyama.

Maeda: I gave it my all with the strange choices, so they’re funny. It’s the same with Hinata’s dialogue. Online, it was called the Hinata game after all.

— Speaking of Hinata and his backstory, Maeda-san, how much have you already thought of regarding the other characters’ backstories and regrets?

Maeda: Kashida-san is helping too, and Hinata, Ooyama, Noda and Sekine are still at a concept stage. The rest are at a level where they can be made into routes.

―ユイ、岩沢、松下以外の仲間たちとの話もぜひ見てみたいです。さて、「1st beat」発売から少し時間がたちましたが、お2人が今手がけていらっしゃる作品をおうかがいできますか。
— I would love to see the stories of the other members. Moving on, it’s been some time since 1st beat’s release, so can you tell me what you are working on now?

魁:僕はヴィジュアルアーツのブランドであるtone work’sの最新作『銀色、遥か』に携わっていて、一部シナリオを手掛けています。あとは、の15s周年作品となる『Harmonia』ですね。こちらは現在、最終的な調整に入っていますよ。
Kai: I’m working with tone’s work’s new game Giniro Haruka under the VisualArt’s branding. I’m handling part of the scenario. There’s also Harmonia for the Key 15 year anniversary. That is entering the final editing.

Maeda: I gotta say something, or it’ll seem like I’m just goofing off.

— Your work with Charlotte will have calmed down soon, right?

Maeda: Yes. Lately I’ve mostly been making song for a new concept album. I have the music and should soon start on writing the lyrics. I’m also working on preparations for Key’s new games.

— The album and new games sound very exciting. Do you have any last things to say?

Kai: There are a lot of people who cleared the game including the Record. I was worried that most of it wouldn’t be read, so I’m grateful for everyone’s passion.

— The Record really makes fooling around worth it. It was a long road. I’m actually relieved there was no price image for clearing it to 100%.

Kai: It will take a long time to complete, so we thought it was better to not have any image that couldn’t be seen unless you did so. It would shift the goal from just having fun to seeing that image.

— I see. Then, Maeda-san, if you please.

Maeda: As I said earlier, I haven’t properly research what everyone says about playing around with the game. I’m worried if I managed to make something enjoyable, but if you enjoyed and was moved by the story, I’m relieved. I’ll be ego searching in the future, so if you tweet your thoughts and add 麻枝, I’ll see it. I’ll take those into consideration in the future.


Lover of Nintendo/Key/07th Expansion, continuing to wander through the fragments in search of myself. Never forget the heart.